Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ban the Death Penalty, I Think Not

The death penalty is a prime example of karma such as what goes around comes around, and I'm a believer of karma. I believe that we need to keep the death penalty because people need to pay for the severe crimes that that they have committed. My opinions are that the overpopulation in prisons are terrible, the death penalty will prevent excessive crimes, and it will give the victim's family a sense of closure.
     To start off, the death penalty will reduce the amount of inmates in prison. There is already overpopulation in prisons, so if the death penalty is banned it will continue to overpopulate. The article says, "Each additional prisoner requires a portion of a cell, food, clothing, extra guard time" and also stating, "When you eliminate the death penalty as an option, it means that prisoner must be housed for life". According to the author, we will be spending to much money on these inmates. In Ms. Mattingly's video, she stated that our government pays around double for an inmate to stay in prison, than to school a child, that's horrendous. For example, if the death penalty is eliminated, how many more prisons are we going to have to build, and where will the money come from?
     Furthermore, the death penalty would prevent excessive crimes throughout our country. The author stated that, "Keep the death penalty because it prevents crimes from happening again". For example, if a killer stays in prison and is not executed then he could go on a killing spree in prison, maybe even kill a guard. Like Ms. Mattingly states in her video, "The death penalty is a warning", "Jail doesn't scare people enough", and "The death penalty will control crimes". For instance, if you are pondering committing a terrible crime, but you hear about a guy being executed for the same thing you are thinking about doing, you will think twice before committing the crime. If you execute criminals, you prevent other people from getting severely hurt, maybe even perishing.
     Lastly, execution of a person that has caused a person and their family pain and anguish, will give them a sense of closure. Many families and victims are afraid that their predator will escape from prison and hurt them. For instance, until the predator is killed, the family will always be haunted so personally I think that is enough. The author says that, "Some will never recover" which is extravagantly true. The video about execution spoke about a family that wanted to see the guy who murdered their son hurt, they wanted to see him have a painful death. That shows exactly why the death penalty can provide closure for families because they just want justice to be served, and like on that video, sometimes more.
     Others might say that the death penalty needs to be banned from the U.S. People that believe that banning the death penalty is good may think that some people that are executed are innocent and that crimes can't always be proved. However, with the near 100% DNA tests, lie detectors, and the average of twenty years on death row, if there is a flaw in proving someone guilty, we will find it. Others also might say that the effects that it has on the person getting executed's family is to immense. They'll say things such as, "They don't deserve to watch their family member die". A memeber of their family did something terrible so now they are paying for it Just Imagine what it is like to have your predator sitting on death row, and not know if he is going to escape and haunt your family. Just think about that.
     All together, you obviously know that the death penalty should be kept in our country. Keeping the death penalty will prevent overpopulation in prison, it will reduce the amount of excessive crimes, and it will give the victoms family closure. So just remember, more of your taxes are going towards prisoners, not your own child.