Thursday, November 11, 2010

"Doubt"-Scene 9

The lights cross fade and there are students sitting in Sister James’ class
DONALD MULLER: (To Sister James) Sister.
(Sister James stops reading her book and looks up)
DONALD MULLER: May I use the restroom?
SISTER JAMES: Yes, make it quick. I still have another lesson to teach.
(Donald rises and pushes his chair under his desk, and exits the room)
(Lights dim)
(Scene opens as Donald exits the restroom. Donald looks up and finds Father Flynn gazing open him. )
FATHER FLNN: (to Donald) come here son.
DONALD MULLER: Yes father?
FATHER FLYNN: Come to my office, may I have a word with you?
DONALD MULLER: Yes father.
(They enter the office; Father Flynn closes and locks the door)
FATHER FLYNN: How are your classes coming a long?
DONALD MULLER: All is well father.
(Father Flynn peers out the window)
FATHER FLYNN: I have bad hearsay to tell you.
(Donald puts his head down and anxiously waits to heed what Father has to pronounce)
(Father Flynn takes a deep breath)
FATHER FLYNN: I’m being transferred to another perish
(Donald looks up instantly)
DONALD MULLER: What does that indicate father?
FATHER FLYNN: I will no longer be here at this perish to guide you.
(Donald stands in disbelief)
DONALD MULLER: But why? (Pause) What happened?
FATHER FLYNN: They are suspecting something.
(Donald sits back down)
DONALD MULLER: I don’t understand.
(Looks down and starts fiddling with his fingers)
Suspecting what?
FATHER FLYNN: (sigh) I don’t know Donald, I really don’t know.
(Takes a pause)
Alright back to class now.
(Donald stands up and gives father a hug.)
DONALD MULLER: (sniffles) Good-bye Father Flynn.
(Donald scurried out in sadness)
(Lights fade)
(Donald walks into class)
SISTER JAMES: What took so long Donald.
(Lights fade)
(end scene)

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